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New zoo's

I know how much some of you love seeing pictures so i though i'd let you check out my new zoo's i got in the mail today


Btw does anyone know whats happening to my xenia in the pictures?
I can't say what is wrong with your Xenia, but let me give you a small advice, based on my experience with similar situation. I had a nice Xenia for 6 months. It was growing nice from just 3-4" to the height of more then 6", and it has even started splitting into 4 stalks, when all of sudden something happened to it. I don't know if it was bacterial, viral or chemical (I don't think it was predatory), but in the span of one week, it shriveled completely, and all the tissue decayed, white sores all over, until only 4 small smudges were left on the rock. Partially from my laziness and partially from my philosophy of minimal intervention, I left those small specks, of what looked to me like clearly dead grayish tissue, on the rock figuring that my cleaning crew will take care of it. Being so small , I have completely forgotten about it, until maybe a month latter, 3 of those small smudges started slightly growing and, a week latter, sprouting small polyps, and now, a month latter a have 3 small Xenias, one of them almost 2" high and with almost 10 polyps.

So, don't despair even if it looks hopeless, life can be sometimes very resilient.

p.s. I am not an expert on nursing sick corals, but what I have seen on the web is that iodine bath is usually prescribed when everybody is clueless of what is really happening. Search or even better, try asking the http://www.wetwebmedia.com .

p.p.s. keep me in mind when you are ready to frag those new zoos ( I assume the orange/neon green ones are the new ones) :)
Thanks, The orange and green is the Tri color and the green blue the paly from what i was told. hopefully it wont be to long before i get some frags. ;D
That's what i figured it was eating it's self away... should i worry about it? i'm leaving in a couple of hours for the weekend and i don't wanna come home to a ammonia spike
Judging by the size, it is not much of a bio-mass, so, with any decent cleanup crew it shouldn't be a problem, specially if you have refugium with macro algae and/or skimmer and sizeable tank. By the way, did Xenia show some initial growth/health or did it start dying from the very moment you placed in the tank? Are your water parameters in check? And did it all, by any chance, begin when you introduced new zoas (or something else) in the tank?
No i had one stalk on that peice of rock and it covered the whole thing in a couple of months and then it started dying off. Just got back in town and my lights were off so i'm hoping everythings still alive i'll check my parameters.
Haha, Thanks yeah hopefully it grows quick i've gotten a few requests for frags lol