• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

pictures on my site

Hello all,

I am doing a little site for myself but with most of the links heading to NJRC including all my reef images.

I was wondering if I could use some of the images here on my site and have them link back to here.

Just curious how everyone felt.
I guess I will take this a no one cares.. :) lol... I am just going to get a decision by our president before I do anything..


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I don't understand what you're asking for! What images are you looking to link to? Your own? Other people's? I wouldn't be inclined to give you permission to use another person's photos. That can only come from the authors themselves. If I've misunderstood, please clarify!
I am actually putting together this site.

http://www.myndpollution.com - still in progress

As you can see I have the daily image on the right that will link to a image gallery later on when I work out some bugs. I would like to use some photos that OTHER people have taken and post them on my site with links to this site, so the authors can get kudoz for taking the photographs. :)

Since each person owns the copyright to their work you would need to get permission from each person who took the photographs.

If you plan on coping the photo to your own site then you have no problem as long as the author has given you permission to use the photos or their work. If on the otherhand you want to hyperlink the photo to njfeefers.org then you would need permission to do so from the club. This latter method is generally a bad idea because if something gets moved then it hoses your site.

Assuming you have permission from the author and have the photos on your site you can still give credit to njreefers.org by putting a link to the original area it came from. If the person has a gallery you could also create a link to open another window (don't frame it) showing the person's gallery. This is actually a good thing because other people can find out about the club and site this way.
