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well i think i wanna make the jump to metal halides but i am nervous.
i have a 50g tank that just finished cycling, 40g rubber maid sump and CSS 65

i just purchased a jbj 96x2 PC light from someone, i want to keep mostly lps and softies maybe an anemone down the road

would it be wise to get one of these lights (150 watt versions) and just run actinic in my PC's or is this even possible???



what is my best option? ???


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If your not gonna have any SPS's, there's no need for Halides. If you do decide you want Halides, you would need 2, since the light span for 1 is only 24inches wide. I'm not a fan of clip on lights, afraid of them tipping over and falling into tank. If your looking for an anemonie down the road, that'll give you a chance to look for a set of used retro fit halides down the road.
what about having one 10k halide fixture and the 96x2 watt power compacts
(would that all fit over the tank?)
and just placing corals that require high light directly under the halides?
i want to get good growth from the lps and softies, that is why i want the halides


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Is there a center brace on top of you're tank? If not, you can put a halide in the center. If your a good DIYer, anything would work.