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Should I go with IceCap T5 retro or standard ballast?

I am setting up a second tank (70 Gallon Oceanic) which is 36x18X24.
I decided to go with a wood canopy as well. I am going to do a 6 bulb retrofit using Ice cap reflectors. Should I use an Ice Cap 660 ballast and overdrive the bulbs or go with a standard T5 ballast and have the bulbs run at the standard wattage? What are the pro and cons of each? Obviously I will get get more light by overdriving, but is it worth it, and do I need it? By the way, I am also going to use two 3" Ice Cap fans in the hood.

Does anyone know if 6 reflectors will fit the width of this hood?

I personally don't like over-driving bulbs but that's me, some con's, the bulbs will not last as long, costs more for the ballasts and over time(bulbs should be changed between 6 and 8 months when overdriven) higher electric and heat. You really don't gain all that much if you compair the pros and con's... but that's JMO