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Sump and Pump ?

I am buying this sump for my 29g, and he also has an Eheim 1048 with 158gph and a CA 1800 700 gph.

I am planning on using CPR CS50 Overflow Box to feed the sum. Any opinions on these pumps, I believe the CA 1800 will be used for a skimmer. Heck at $15 a piece I guess I can't go wrong.



Rich K
Well, the price is right on the sump, and the return pumps are ok. However, I can not recommend any CPR overflow. They are impossible to clean, tend to trap air and cause floods, and tend to break.

Get a better overflow. If it were a larger tank I'd recommend a Lifereef overflow, but they cost about twice as much as a CPR overflow. Like anything else you get what you pay for.
if you need to clean a cpr overflow you can soak it in bleach, then just go over it with a flexible brush and rinsi it real well.
Wored for me
DaveK said:
Well, the price is right on the sump, and the return pumps are ok. However, I can not recommend any CPR overflow. They are impossible to clean, tend to trap air and cause floods, and tend to break.

Get a better overflow. If it were a larger tank I'd recommend a Lifereef overflow, but they cost about twice as much as a CPR overflow. Like anything else you get what you pay for.

Well that's a point to consider. The CPR was recommended to by AO, not Will but his friend and Coworker. Sorry I forgot your name if your reading this :eek:. Also Can't believe I found this price on a CPR CS50 http://www.reefgeek.com/equipment/O...es/CS50_Overflow_Box_-_300_gph_by_CPR_Aquatic

Anyone have any other recommendations.
The price on the CPR overflow isn't bad, just be sure you like cleaning up from the floods it will produce. And yes, I'm quite serious about this. I had a larger version of the series, and it did everything i mentioned in my prior post.

I did forget to post a link to lifereef (off site) - http://www.lifereef.com/siphon.html

As you can see they are about 3 times the price, so I'm not really recommending one for you, but I do recommend you look for a similar design. It will give you a lot less trouble.
Thanks for the info, I appreciate it. Now this only makes things even more confusing ??? Right now cost is a big factor, as it is with most people since our financial system is going down the tube !!
Yea, I know the feeling. Right now is not the time to spend a lot of money on your reef, if you have to worry about that next paycheck.

I will say this about equipment in general. Always buy top quality. It need not be the most expensive, and there are many quality manufacturers out there. Regretfully, there is also a lot of junk. It's not unusual for a reef system to be set up for 10 years. You want things that will last. Top quality is the least expensive long term.