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Tang Compatibility

Question on tang compatibility:
At present, I am housing the following in a reef tank
1 - Kole Tang
1 - Yellow tail Blue Damsel
1 - Flame Angel
1 - Bi-color Angel
2 - Maroon Clowns
1 - Mandarin

I would like to introduce a Blue Hippo Tang, but I am not sure of the compatibility with the Kole. I have hear that it is OK if you keep tangs in odd numbers. Any reason for this? Would that mean that I would have to add two? Anyone have success bringing a new tang into an established tank?

As always, feedback is appreciated.

Kenny Z.
I've had a Yellow and Hippo together for over a year, I just recently added a clown tang, first week the hippo was extremely aggressive towards the clown tang, sometime during the second week it ended but the two now keep their distance from each other. The Hippo is 4-5 inches the clown 2-3, the yellow could care less and is also about 4-5 inches.
So maybe serious aggression only occurs when you mix the same type of fish...
(i.e. yellow & yellow or kole & kole)
Fair to say?

Kenny Z.
Yellows are normally ok with each other (space permitting). Not that I would recommend but I've got a 44 (temp holding tank) with:
2 yellow tangs
1 blue hippo
1 purple tang
and a bunch of other fish.

I have had the same tangs above in a 120 along with a scopas (purple didn't get along with him that well) and a blonde naso (seems to get along with everything).

I've got 3 QT tanks going right now and one of them has a powder blue in it along with a longnose butterfly. The other tanks have a dozen blue/green chromas and 5 yellow tail damsels. Once these are moved into the 265 I'll move some of the fish in the 44 holding tank into QT and then into the 265.
