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Two free Beautiful RBTA's

Two free Beautiful RBTA's, but you have to do the work. I want to get rid of both of these. They take up too much of my tank and cannot put any corals there. One had split from the other. They are healthy and have beautiful. On is the size of a catcher's mitt (if not bigger), and the other is about half its size. They are attached to a huge rock. I don't want to remove the nem myself, but will do it with a partner. We can take the rock and then do the work. I wanted to have another pair of hands in case moving the rock causes an avalanche. It shouldn't but you never know.

In addition to the free nem's, I have a maroon clown that can go with it for free as well if we can get her out.

Please let me know if anyone is interested and when they want to come. I am ready from this moment on. I live in Manalapan- 07726.
ken6217 said:
Two free Beautiful RBTA's, but you have to do the work. I want to get rid of both of these. They take up too much of my tank and cannot put any corals there. One had split from the other. They are healthy and have beautiful. On is the size of a catcher's mitt (if not bigger), and the other is about half its size. They are attached to a huge rock. I don't want to remove the nem myself, but will do it with a partner. We can take the rock and then do the work. I wanted to have another pair of hands in case moving the rock causes an avalanche. It shouldn't but you never know.

In addition to the free nem's, I have a maroon clown that can go with it for free as well if we can get her out.

Please let me know if anyone is interested and when they want to come. I am ready from this moment on. I live in Manalapan- 07726.

I don't think anyone will be able to get the maroon out but I would be glad to try and get one of the RBTA out. Let me know when I can try.
George came by and got the two nems out of the tank. We took out a large piece of rock and got them nems off it once it was out. We then took the opportuntiy to re-aquascape about 40% of the tank. Looks much better now.

Sam, George had pm'd me first. Sorry about the nems. You are still welcome to the killer clown though.
ken6217 said:
George came by and got the two nems out of the tank. We took out a large piece of rock and got them nems off it once it was out. We then took the opportuntiy to re-aquascape about 40% of the tank. Looks much better now.

Sam, George had pm'd me first. Sorry about the nems. You are still welcome to the killer clown though.

HA! I just got the clown out of my tank. That took some work. If I go clown again I will get some peaceful ones! You should have made a try at the clown while you re-did your rock work.
Thanks for the RBTA Ken. The larger one from the bottom is open already, the one that was deep in the rock wasn't looking so hot but is looking a little better now. Hopefully he'll pull through.

Thanks again
Nice meeting you. It will pull through. He's a fighter. He is the one I almost killed once and he paid me back this past week. Killed a brain coral and part of a galaxia.
That's great. I'm glad I got the chance to re-do part of the tank.
If you ever need a hand in doing any setups etc, please let me know.