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Washing off frozen foods before they go into your tank

I agree that frozen food is best used immediately but in my case a whole cube is way too much food to feed all at once. I usually end up using all the food within three days and even if I stick my face into the cup it still smells fresh and the animals in my tank don't seem to mind it being a few days old. If it were to smell funky- in the trash it goes.
I usually thaw it out and add it slowly, especially if it is the "bar" type like PE Mysis. I have a feeding ring (1" long 1.5" PVC pipe with 2 styrofoam floats attached) I made for dry foods, sometimes if I'm in a hurry I just drop a cube in there.
take the cubes out and cut them in half with a knife and put the unused half back in the freezer and use it asap.. that way less waste and less chance of spoiling
I usually just cut one or two cubes add couple drops of selcon to each one and give them a little cooking under the lights, add a little garlic, basil, and oregano and toss with angel hair ....wait wait up until the last part ;D. and toss them in. I have to admit my fish are pretty fat and happy. Some of the LPS corals are well placed so they get some as the water currents take the food around the corners.
I don't usually rinse. I mostly feed PE Mysis & Formula 1, they don't seem to come with the "Soup" the old SF Bay Products have.
I used to rinse my fish food as well. For about a month I was doing it religiously. Then i realized that the amount phosphate may not even be that significant. Besides, I do a water change every 2 weeks.

For those who break up their fish food in the tank, I only hope that they have clean hands :)