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December Holiday Party at Herbie's

December Holiday Party at Herbie's
Posted by Edwardw771
6 Williams rd Kendall park, NJ 08824
Saturday, December 19, 2015 - 01:00 PM
Until: Saturday, December 19, 2015 - 06:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/New_York)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: America/New_York

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NJRC Member
Long time NJRC member @HerbieK and his wife will be hosting our December Meeting\Holiday Party

Here is his bio
The sixties were a crazy time man, peace, love and a 10 gallon “Metaframe” aquarium w/ the stainless steel corners and the slate bottom. Truly state of the art. So started my aquatic journey at the tender age of about 8 years old. My two brothers and I killed our share of 19 cent guppies, sword tails, platies, mollies, etc with our first foray into “fish tanks”.

Flash forward to the early nineties when my wife bought me a 45 gallon high aquarium as a gift, and I found myself saying “a fish tank, really”? After getting the tank rigged up and getting a few books on the subject, I found out that this hobby was really cool for a scientific minded guy like myself. A variety of angels, cichlids and other fresh water fare soon filled my new tank. After a while, the drab freshwater world began getting old, so I got the next closest thing to the more colorful marine fish, African cichlids. They were housed in a 55 gallon tank, as I was winding down the 45 high.

After a short time w/ the Africans, I decided to take a saltwater plunge in the 55, which housed fish and a few softies. I quickly realized I couldn’t put enough lights over the 55 to raise other more interesting corals, so I moved up to a 90 gallon. After a few years in the 90, I found myself yearning for bigger and better things, so I moved up to a 180, which is the perfect tank for me. I have become quite a “stick man” preferring mostly SPS acros. There have been a few bumps in the road, like a complete hurricane Sandy wipe out, but I have rebounded quite nicely to what I have today. The tank is approaching its pre-Sandy glory w/ a host of new fish and corals maturing nicely.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
I will be there Herb, cannot miss this one. I will bring single malt.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I shall be there with maybe my son...but that's a big maybe. I'll be bringing Ghirardelli Chocolate-Walnut Brownies. Looking forward to it.


Officer Emeritus
Unfortunately due to family and work obligations I will have to miss this event. It's a bummer because I really enjoy Herbie's hospitality