• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

NJRC News Letter

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
Hello NJ Reefers,
We are looking to start a monthly news letter. If you would like to recieve this news letter please sign up for it. To sign up for the news letter all you need to do is enter your email address in Monthly News Letter Sign Up box. This box is located on the main page, right hand side, under the External Links panel.

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Thank You

PS - First one is set to go out Aug 1st!

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
I'm sure its going to change over time but as of right now its going to highlight stuff going on with the club. For example the POTM, information from last month's meeting, information for upcoming meeter, any group buys or events going on with the club. If you have ideas/suggestion for content please share with us and we can see about putting them in


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Maybe we can also try to include reef tips of the month and any recent news on reef (I.e: Bali etc) and upcoming groundbreaking equipment (trident etc)

Any interest in maybe forming a newsletter committee?

This is @njtiger24 aquariums baby so. He would chair it / editor ( first right of refusal for the position James :) ).

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
Good suggestions. I like the idea of a committe. I was going to suggest one if the news letter took off. If anyone has any reef tip or reef news for Aug's letter please let me know so I can get it on there
We should make a real effort to get our best articles into it I also agree we put tips and tricks into it. Not sure if this would be the place to bring this up, but I am an artist and I think it would be cool to make graphics and the article like an interactive web page that grows by the month. I still feel we need physical calendars from the potm and best shot of our tanks. Plus patches and stickers. Send me a message and I can elaborate on more ideas. I have a guy for prints patches and t-shirts. I or our club can come up with the art work and photos. We need more swag. And we need more ways of engagement and interaction. With proper planing and focus this can be supper fun and get more ppl to notice our club!
Like a super simple starter would be to get the active members to send either their fav photo of somthing from there tank or a really nice equipment set up send it in and pick the 12 most interesting photos. Boom bet that could bring several calender variations. I am really interested in making us a t shirt and patches pins and stickers. I have a lot of other ideas so I'm hoping to pitch these to make our club even cooler and more fun and interactive. Picture this a section of our own making that is like a video library were we showcase different things through video show and tells or tutorials like how to drill a sump and tank. A section on feeding videos with explanations and fun captures of footage. My focus here for the club is to be a contributing member by immersion education and designs. 20170518_033131.jpg 20170518_032715.jpg

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
so a bump on this. Please don't forget to sign up if you want to get our news letter. We are still putting together content so the Aug one may not go out tomorrow but will go out this week.

Thank You
Wats the set up for the news letter? Do you have a dedicated editor or web management person? Or marketing person? I perpose a bit of a all that I am an artist and very rounded basicly art and science is all I do. And have a background in marketing.
For the web and the club I would like to help out in anyway I can. I could get us shirts and pins and patches and stickers and do the posting and editing. If that's open for position.
I agree to keep things running there should always be collaboration, but in general I could run this. The tasks opertations and posting and editing by myself. In short
simply put I propose that. I will ask for brainstorming sessions from the main council and the President on a regular basis. Also the President Always has the last say as well as new or bigg things can be made into a vote from the active memebers