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Search results

  1. D

    Test Kit -- Which one(s) do you use?

    Using Red Sea Marine Lab no complaints so far, effective, and inexpensive. For Calcium I use an API single test and again no problems just quick and easy
  2. D

    Exposing anemone outside of the tank

    I dont have the guts or time to do it anytime soon, but thats good to know that I can expose the anemone to air..I will definetely be doin gthis procedure in the near future thanks guys
  3. D

    Exposing anemone outside of the tank

    I have a GBTA that has settled nicely in my 24 Nanocube in a horizontal rock crevice. It's hasn't moved since I got it and I actually like it's current position. My only problem is that the anemone cannot fully expand because there are some branches of rock surrounding the crevice. the anemone...
  4. D

    Help Me Choose a Media For My Reactor!

    o ok i see what you mean now, thanks for the pic ill try it then thanks for the tip
  5. D

    Clownfish Pairing Turned Ugly!

    Ok I will try that then since they are pretty easy to catch when they are sleeping...so new clown in display, let it settle maybe couple hours?, then old clown in...got it
  6. D

    Clownfish Pairing Turned Ugly!

    Ive been busy with school and work so I havent had a chance to "re-pair" them. So for now the black clown will stay in the floating chamber. As I said he is very active, just dieing to come out and he or she in that matter is an aggressive eater. My orange clown is showing no aggression towards...
  7. D

    Clownfish Pairing Turned Ugly!

    Well the clown isnt quite 2", probably 1.5" but thats probably not the reason anyway. Now thinking about it, this clown was bought from a group of 5 and it was one of the bigger ones in the tank. There were smaller specimens, but at the time I couldnt see my current clown with anything smaller...
  8. D

    Clownfish Pairing Turned Ugly!

    I just purchased a gorgeous false black occelaris clownfish in hopes to pair up with my current false orange occelaris clownfish who has been with me for 9 years now. I never paired my current clown in the 9 years it has been with me. I always wanted to, did my research, but never really got to...
  9. D

    Mystery Fish ID plz

    Your dad did a good deed, but I honest dont recommend that others buy you livestock. This case is no exception, I heard that these cleaner wrasses are difficult to care for. Just make sure to do some research Dan, hopefully he thrives. Make sure to let people know before they buy something for...
  10. D

    My New Pair

    Nice couple, im trying to pair my own clowns right now without much luck. Hope they spawn for you
  11. D

    Help Me Choose a Media For My Reactor!

    At the moment I just have a media bag of chemipure and a heater in compartment one. The skimmer appears to be working, the nasty film is just settling on top of chamber one, could it be leaking back into display? Right now im hydor water deflector from the main pump is my only source of...
  12. D

    Help Me Choose a Media For My Reactor!

    Sorry havent been in awhile, thanks for the input guys. There was traces of nitrates, but Ive done a couple water changes and it is greatly reduced. i was just curiious if there were any medias that did keep all those parameters under control, but I guess not. My goal for this media is to make...
  13. D

    Help Me Choose a Media For My Reactor!

    Im planning on buying a sapphire aquatics nano media reactor for my nanocube. The reason I choose this reactor over others like the good ole phosban reactor is because it can stay submerged in chamber one of my cube. http://www.nanotuners.com/product_info.php?products_id=595 I got the reactor...
  14. D

    Albie's new RSM250

    I dont even know your wife and I like her already..awesome tank,you planning on doing any kind of mods to it?
  15. D

    tunze 9002 not producing bubbles

    thats good to hear, glad you figured it out
  16. D

    tunze 9002 not producing bubbles

    Adjust the light blue dial or make sure the tubing is firmly attached to the pump. My skimmer wasn't working for awhile an I found out the tubing came loose...if that doesn't work you can take the skimmer apart and give the pump and body a vinegar bath
  17. D

    Vortech mp10 making noise

    ya ok ill mess around with the alignment and if that doesnt work ill call ecotech thanks for the input
  18. D

    Vortech mp10 making noise

    I just recently installed a vortech mp10 on my 24g nanocube. Ive been using random reefcrest mode. The pump is silent when its throttled down but as I adjust the dial to higher the speed then the pump begins to chatter as if the propeler is hitting against the guard. IS this common for break in...
  19. D

    Vinegar Bath Questions

    Thanks for the input guys, I just eneded using 100% all white vinegar for my bath and it will be soaking overnight. I will do some srubbing 2moro...poor feathdusters and brittlestars :-\
  20. D

    Vinegar Bath Questions

    I wanted to give my equipment a good cleaning, this includes a skimmer, pump, and powerheads. I heard that a vinegar bath is the way to go, but im not sure if anyone has really fully explained it. How do you perform a vinegar bath? how long would you soak the items in for? What are the...