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2 gallon pico

Had it setup a few weeks, custom made 9x9x6 cube, (2)10watt 50/50 coralife lighting, hob filter for circulation. Temp around 76-78, ammonia-zero nitrite-0 nitrate<20 ph 8. A few pieces of rock and a cup or two of sand from existing tank. Been running for about 3 weeks, Astrea snail for algae control and a yellow clown goby. Just got in three corals today from etropicals.
Orange ricordia, blue ricordia, and a red mushroom.


The blue ricordia had actually split into two different pieces

Looks a lot more pink in person...


bit better a shot
Thanks, i'm hoping within a few months they really grow out and fill up the tank a bit more. What else would I be able to keep with the current stock and lighting? I love frogspawns but i dont think i could keep one correct?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
You've got 20wpg over a 2g tank? Is that a PC fixture? If so I think it would be plenty of light for some frogspawn. We kept frogspawn very happy with 4wpg PC lighting.
no, 10wpg thers 20 watts all together. Yes its PC fixture (the screw in type). I just went out and looked this morning and i think the only thing that's doing well is the orange ricordia :(. Both the blues have well looks to me like they've melted a little, they're both sort of torn up, and the red had like a little redish brown spew coming out of its mouth. They have a 14day live guarantee but does this sound like a normal thing to happen?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Try cutting the lighting back. They have been in the dark for a while so hitting them with 10 wpg is a little much all at one time.

As for the stuff coiming out of the red one, sometimes mushrooms will spew their stomachs from stress. Usually they will recover as long as the stress factor is removed.

It sounds like with some TLC they will all pull through, just keep an eye on them.
Alright, i'll leave one light off all day. Yesterday i had them in the dark for about 4 hours then turned on one light. This morning though both cycled back on. Thanks guys! :)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Oops. I was thinking 10wpg & typed 20...

My thoughts are still the same 10wpg over a 2g tank is MORE than enough for frogspawn. How long are you running your lights for total? You may consider dropping your photo period back to 4-5 hours a day and increasing that slowly. You can easily overlight mushrooms/ricordia.

I'd hazard to guess you could keep whatever you want with that much light, providing you can keep your parameters in check.
The filter is just a small one i had laying around. I just have two pieces of rock in it and a filter pad for mechanical filtration. I had it off yesterday because it created to much current in the tank and was wipping around the shrooms, well it happened again today.

The tank is made out of acrylic.

I dont want to stress them but what should i do to keep them from moving around so much? Right now the photo period is like this first 10watt bulb goes on at 7am and off at 7pm, the second goes on at 9am and off at 9pm.

I obvously won't get anymore coral until i've got these guys settled in but i just wanted to see what my options are.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Try putting a piece of filter pad in the intake of the filter. It should slow the flow down enough to stop blowing the 'shrooms around.
Do you think this'll work? I took a small tupperware put a bunch of holes in it, took all the shrooms (man they got beat up) placed them on their own small piece of rubble, put the tupperware over them, basically now they dont move much at all but there is some flow through the container. I just hope they all pull through :\ i feel like i sort of doomed them yesterday by not securing them properly.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sounds like that should work. Or you can put them in the tupperware with some rubble and fasten a piece of netting over the top. This will allow for more flow yet still keep them contained to the tupperware until they attach.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
IMO that's too long of a light period.

Most of us run our tanks for about 12 hours of full light, creating a dusk to dawn effect by putting on the actinics first, then an hour or two later the whites. An hour or two before final lights out the second set of lights to go on go back off again 1-2-2-1 (in the case of actinics/whites, though if they were both the same bulb I'd turn them off the same order you turn them on 1-2-1-2)

While you're light acclimating things I'd do maybe 8 hours of light tops with the second set running 6 hours. The netting should also help with light acclimating them as it will not let all of the light in.

If there's rock under the shrooms then you need to glue them down to a piece of rubble. If there's no rock under them then the tupperware bowl should work.