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2017-12-19 - Coral of the week - Discosoma mudhroom Corals

Discosoma mushrooms (Actinodiscus) mushroom corals are considered as a beginning coral. They are like anemones in the sense that they attach to rock and can move around. But unlike most corals, they don’t have tentacles or grow a hard skeleton. They come in many colors and prefer low to moderate light. They can kill nearby corals through chemical warfare. Like other corals, they host zooxanthellae. Many fluoresce different colors under UV or Blue lighting. Triggers and Pufferfish may eat them. There are what some are calling jawbreaker mushrooms, that appear to have multiple colors in them. They tend to be pretty expensive at this time. Here is a sample of discosoma mushrooms.

This one has spots.
This one is lined.
Yellow ones can turn brown in the wrong lighting.
There are many shades of red.
Sometimes the stripes are almost white.
This mushroom detached due to high water flow.
It is not unusual for them to close up at night.
This one is red with blue spots
After feeding, this bubble- lined slime material arose from under the mushroom. I see similar strands from between acans as well.

Here is a sample of jawbreakers.


Staff member
NJRC Member
Nice write up. I always loved mushroom coral and had few different ones in the past. Unfortunately, the new tank they don't do well but cannot complain as I can now have SPS.
Knock on wood.
Remember a few months back I posted about the cost of corals this is what i was talking about the Jawbreak.. Just a mushroom with a nicer color pattern then most someone tacked on a nice name and jacked up the price. Take away the name and you have a mushroom coral and most know there isn't much to special about a mushroom coral.