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250w MH bulb recommendations

I'm looking for a good 250 watt bulb that will give me good growth and color without supplemental lighting... what does everyone use that just run MH's?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
My next bulbs will be 14k ReefLux.

Good growth and good color and no supplementation...

That's a tough bill to fill. You can generally get 2 of the three. I think the Reeflux is going to be the closest you'll come to that happy medium.
Thanks guy's do either of you know how to read Sanjay's chart?

Phyl how did that bulb rate as far as growth, color and life? what are you using now? What made you choose the Reeflux? Sorry for all the questions, it's hard trying to decide on bulbs when you can't run actinics.
Phyl did you mean 12K bulb? I couldn't find any 14K's from reeflux just the ones by CoralVue (same company makes reeflux)