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Adding Hippo tang problem

I have a mixed reef tank that currently had 4 fish. A large 8 inch sohal tang a 5 inch yellow tang and a 3 inch tomato clown. I recently bought a 3 inch Hippo tang from a fellow NJReefer. I kept it in QT for 3 weeks . Today I added to the DT and then feed all the fish the hippo joined right in with the feeding no problem. after the feding a few minutes later the sohal tang began to chase the much smaller hippo all arond. It seemed to stress the hippo who is quite skitish to began with. I did not know what to do so i returned the hippo to QT. Is this expected? what shuld i do?
how big is the DT?

Anytime you are adding a tang to a tank with two established tangs (or even one) - you are rolling the dice unless the DT is big.

Impressed you caught the hippo out. Some ways to help minimize stress would be to totally re-aquascape everything so that no one has a "turf" to defend. Keep the lights off for a bit to help provide hiding places.
when i add fish to the DT anymore I keep the lights off for 4 hours maybe.. that way everyone scurries to their hiding spots and the new fish won't stressed as much.

I would put him back near nighttime and cut your lights short a little, then let the normal lighting go in the morning
3 tangs in a 72G is questionable. That sohal is actually too large for it as well. I think the aggression will not disappear. Personally I wouldn't try putting that hippo back in.
I realize the sohal is way too big but this is one of the most beautiful fish i have ever seen. came with the setup when i bought it. I did place the hippo back in last night when the lights were out it went right in and found a hiding spot.

So what you are saying is tangs dont get along?
Tangs of the same body type do not get along and will usually always fight. The stress that goes with that will eventually take its toll. The only way you can normally pull off several tangs is in a very large system and sometimes then they will still fight just more room to hide. If it were me I would sell the sohal and keep the hippo. You are already overstocked for a 72.
that is true. it's all about looks, they know nothing of blood but it's taste.

The Sailfin was being a real jerk to the Yellow tangs because they look similar to him. i turned the lights back out a little early but havent had a chance to sit down and watch them today
The sohal is a pretty bad choice no other way to say it. It is too big and too aggressive. In a 72G the tang police will be out in force. With the smaller ones you would be better off. So my suggestion is to try to sell the sohal or if you are unwilling to do that then don't put the hippo back in and keep what you have if you have a somewhat peaceful equilibrium. Remember or consider that as the fish get larger ... more mature their disposition is likely to change.(not for the better)
The sohal is a pretty bad choice no other way to say it. It is too big and too aggressive. In a 72G the tang police will be out in force. With the smaller ones you would be better off. So my suggestion is to try to sell the sohal or if you are unwilling to do that then don't put the hippo back in and keep what you have if you have a somewhat peaceful equilibrium. Remember or consider that as the fish get larger ... more mature their disposition is likely to change.(not for the better)

I agree 100%. And I'm by no means the "Tang Police". But a 72 is WAY too small for a Sohal, a fish that is almost hyperactive, and needs tons and tons of swimming room. Adding the hippo may most likely result in his untimely death.
I should add that Tangs are my favorite reef fish, and I understand pushing the limit. But hate to see a fish get killed in cramped quarters.
the previous owner has had that sohal and the other fish i received including a huge black and white snapper and picasso trigger that i got rid of. I admit the sohal is huge but it was fine with the clown and yellow tang. i will get rid of the hippo before the sohal its such a beatiful fish that never was aa problem till the introduction of the hippo