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algae in the sump

i have some green algae growing in my sump. not the cheato kind which i know i have, but another king that is kind of slimy looking and only on area where water overflows to where the return pump is. i had my water tested at trop and everything was good. i do weekly water changes and not sure how to get of the algae. could it be too much lighting in the sump. i have no algae in the tank either.
jaynduke said:
i have some green algae growing in my sump. not the cheato kind which i know i have, but another king that is kind of slimy looking and only on area where water overflows to where the return pump is. i had my water tested at trop and everything was good. i do weekly water changes and not sure how to get of the algae. could it be too much lighting in the sump. i have no algae in the tank either.

Probably just the plain hair algae that prefers strong flow. Since it is in the sump, why worry - simply "harvest" it when it becomes overgrown. That is, unless you are intent on growing chaeto for some specific reason, with which it competes for nutrients.
thanks for the input. that's what i've pretty much been doing anyway. doesn't seem to be bothering anything besides me. lol
wait - if you don't have a fug/sump combo - why is there light in the sump? Is it filtering down from your display? Trying to understand why there is light.

To me if you had no plans for growing macro down there - I'd just eliminate the light into the sump.

BTW the water tests out "good" because that algae is likely consuming some of the nutrients that would have appeared in the water test.
I'd leave it growing in the sump too. Many of these types of algae grow better and faster then Macros like Cheato. Any algae will use up your excess nutrients so if it's contained in that spot only let it do it's thing. Better there then in the display.
