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Am I asking for trouble

I have a ,, blue devil danzel,, and I’m getting a , flame angel soon, my blue guy isn’t to bad of a bully he does a lil chasing once in a while but has never been violent ever just a lil chasing of the smaller guys to prove he’s boss. From what I’ve herd a flame angel can be same way
What are your thoughts my reef peeps
Have you added any new fish since having the damsel? My flame gives the business to newcomers, and they’re known to do that, but everything that was in before the flame is established and it leaves them alone. If the damsel has accepted new tank mates I wouldn’t be too worried, and if it hasn’t I think the flame should still hold its own. Otherwise your invert tank may have a fish moving in!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Oh Paulie....at least your damsel is appropriately called a devil damsel. All damsels are devil fish and should only be in tanks with other aggressive fish. If you want a community tank, damsels should not be included. That fish will eventually turn and kill other inhabitants.

When I was young and dumb (I'm now old and dumb), I purchased a Blue Velvet Damselfish....very pretty fish...how could it hurt. After it killed three of my other fish, it went into the witness protection program and was never seen again.

Bottom line, damselfish are aggressive fish and should only be kept with other aggressive fish. Not for a community tank!
Oh Paulie....at least your damsel is appropriately called a devil damsel. All damsels are devil fish and should only be in tanks with other aggressive fish. If you want a community tank, damsels should not be included. That fish will eventually turn and kill other inhabitants.

When I was young and dumb (I'm now old and dumb), I purchased a Blue Velvet Damselfish....very pretty fish...how could it hurt. After it killed three of my other fish, it went into the witness protection program and was never seen again.

Bottom line, damselfish are aggressive fish and should only be kept with other aggressive fish. Not for a community tank!
I understand everything you’re saying and to be honest I’ve been trying to catch that fish for 3 to 4 weeks so I can put it in my invert tank

ole farny

NJRC Member
my flame angel was a coral nibbler. seemed to leave the softies alone, but the lps and some sps were not safe. destroyed an acan in a couple days.

they may not all be like that, but i won't put a flame angel in another reef again.
my flame angel was a coral nibbler. seemed to leave the softies alone, but the lps and some sps were not safe. destroyed an acan in a couple days.

they may not all be like that, but i won't put a flame angel in another reef again.
Sorry that you had a bad experience with it it’s a very pretty Fish and we’ll see what happens when I put him in there
As always I break with conventional wisdom. Three yellow tail blue damsels living with a pair of Ocellaris Clowns, Royal Gramma, Tomini Tang, Female Swallow Tail and a male Lemark. Full disclosure, there were five originally, but over time two disappeared.