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Animals and things going out of business

Not sure if anyone has been there to see if they have any deals. Might take at ride out there tomorrow
Let me know if they have any sales... Knew that place would fall under soon enough. I live down the road.
i'm glad to hear that as well.... all those poor dogs living in those small cages for 22 hours out of each day. and they had more dead fish and inverts in their tanks than live ones. they were a horrible pet store.
I went there a few times when i started in the hobby and one of their guys said it was ok to use tap water in a reef, i laughed and walked out then found AO down the road. Im just curious if they are going to have a sale on their tanks and stuff.
I was there once amd had the same feelings as the rest of you, didn't take the trip today it's about an hour drive for me if I even go. Not sure what the sales are if any at all I do remember them having a massive warehouse but I I'm sure it's only going to be a %10-20 off at this point for an impulse buy vs buying discounted researched online


NJRC Member
They sent me a letter inviting me to a special 10% off closing sale. I'm sure they'll lower their prices even more eventually. They had a ton of tanks left in the back.
Just checked web page ,says everything %10-50 off. So anything worth buying is only %10 off I'm sure and a squeaky toy is %50
I'm doing my best with not taking a ride down there , we need to start an intervention for reef addicts ,let me be first hi I'm Ron and I have an addiction!i can't pass a pet store without stopping by


Officer Emeritus
I'm doing my best with not taking a ride down there , we need to start an intervention for reef addicts ,let me be first hi I'm Ron and I have an addiction!i can't pass a pet store without stopping by

Welcome Ron, join us, have a seat. Cookies and refreshments are available on the back table. Would anyone like to share a story?
No if you go to that website and find pet store closing you can see pics of what they have left. Looks like there is a 300dd in there. I've used bestbuy auctions before for family business and it's a pretty decent service.