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Another ID Please

I know this was posted before, but may have been on another forum site. I need an ID on this guy
I do not know if this is a coral or an anemone. But, you see it here on the rock just as happy as can be.
Over the last week now, he has been moving all over the place and getting into places where he cannot be seen. I understand the he wants to be happy and comfy with his spot, but I want to be able to see him. Especially if he is a coral. If he is an anemone, then Im sure we will see him from time to time.

Anyway, any ID would be great here. As you can notice from the pic. he is a little darker than the pic (terra cotta) and has a hole in the center (a mouth?) Also, at night when the lights go to lunar, he seems to close up some and inflate his underside, which is very anemone-like. That is when he goes on the move.

mushroom coral... not sure what species, but they will move to a location they like as far as light and water movement are concerned....most like low to medium light and low flow

happy reefing.....al
Now there's a perfect answer and in a record 10 minutes.
Thanks for the quick reply. I guess I have no other choice but top let him go where he wants to go. I had him in the front of the tank on one of the large rocks on the bottom. Now he keeps moving off the rock onto the bottom (all glass no substrate)

I also just added:
About 30 lbs of LR
Koralia #1 Powerhead

I know since the addition of the powerhead, the flow was quite a bit more. Then when I added the rock, one of the rocks is curved so I put that in front of the powerhead as a deflector. Probably why he is moving now.

Again Thang Que for the quick reply!

Also, I just "Googled" Mushroom Corals and found a site calling this coral
"Red Discoma Mushroom" or "Fire Red Mushroom" Discoma
Sound right to the experts here?
They suggest Moderate to High Lighting
and Moderate to High Flow.

And that's all I found, so far


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Mushrooms don't move as quickly as anemones unless they aren't tacked down (and then it would be more like blowing around than moving). How much moving is this doing? Moving makes it sound like an anemone.
He litterally sat in the same exact spot and never moved for over 1 month. As soon as I put the new rock in and I am now deflecting the water flow from the powerhead he has been on the move. I gues his furthest move was about 4 or 5 inches in 1 night. I did watch for a while and HE is moving, not getting blown around.
its deffinitely a mushroom coral......it is mooving to get out of the direct flow that is being caused by the water being deflected by the new rock.
think of it as someone squirting you with a water gun, a few times and you dont care much but if its a constant thing it becomes annoying ,then you will move to where they cant get you. same thing is happening with the shroom.
if your lucky, as it is moveing it will leave small pieces of itself and you will get a few small babies.

happy reefing .........al
The picture isn't clear enough for my taste to tell what it is. It looks like a mushroom but sounds like a red carpet anemone (kind of rare).
