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Anyone know source for aquacultured rock near Philly?

Greetings all, I've been lurking on your site for months and love it!

I've been working on my first reef tank for several months and I've been very conscientious about stocking it with only aquacultured, tank-raised, and fragged specimens. I'm not judgmental about other people's habits, it's just the way I want to do it.

Anyway, I've moved to a slightly larger tank and find I'm in need of about 10-15 lbs more of live rock. I know the online sources for Florida aquacultured rock, but for such a small order I'd like to avoid the $30+ shipping if possible.

Anyone have any they'd like to sell or know retailers near Philly who carry it?



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Sorry, I can't answer your question but wanted to say



Nice to see another lurker turn poster! Keep 'em coming.

Welcome and glad to you see you posting on the board.

I've looked high and low for any NJ or Phily area lfs that carry it and was never able to find it locally.

I don't know how much of a hurry you are in but I've got a couple hundred pounds of aquacultured rock currently curring and being seeded by some of my nice coralline based rocks, but it won't be ready for sale for another 3 to 4 weeks. If you're not in a hurry and don't mind waiting I'll have this available shortly for $2.50-$3.00 a pound.

Carlo said:

Welcome and glad to you see you posting on the board.

I've looked high and low for any NJ or Phily area lfs that carry it and was never able to find it locally.

I don't know how much of a hurry you are in but I've got a couple hundred pounds of aquacultured rock currently curring and being seeded by some of my nice coralline based rocks, but it won't be ready for sale for another 3 to 4 weeks. If you're not in a hurry and don't mind waiting I'll have this available shortly for $2.50-$3.00 a pound.


Carlo, thanks very much for the reply. I'm in no hurry at all, heck I waited 3 months for my DIY cement rock to cure. What you have sounds perfect and the price is great, just pm when it's ready or I'll pm you in 3-4 weeks in case you forget.
JohnS_323 said:
Sorry, I can't answer your question but wanted to say



Nice to see another lurker turn poster! Keep 'em coming.

Thanks for the welcome! I would post more often but I'm still low on the learning curve when it come to reefs. This is really a good site, it's exactly what a club site should be. I can't believe Philly can't get something similar together, but I don't mind heading over the bridge for something other than cheap booze. ;) I'll be officially joining soon.
Ed, he's specifically looking for aquacultured rock which they don't have.

lotekfish, if you have DIY rock then why not make another batch and just seed it with a good piece or two of Fiji and Caribbean rock for coralline algae growth? Or alternately pick up some dry rock and seed it yourself?

My original plan for my 26 gallon bow front was to make about 25-30 lbs of cement rock and seed it with 5+ lbs of Fiji or Carribean like you said. Unfortunately I really misjudged how much I actually made- it was probably only 15 lbs and a couple of good pieces broke into rubble. Funny, it looked like a lot sitting in 5 gallon buckets. I could make another batch, I just don't know if I have the patience for it again. I followed the recipes and methods on Garf.org and Reef Central and it seems like most people are able to cure their rock in 6-8 weeks, though sometimes longer. Mine took 4 months for the ph to drop low enough to put it in the tank with the live rock, which was just last week, and then I realized I made way too little.

I probably will make up another bigger batch for a future tank expansion since I liked how it turned out, but I don't know if I feel like waiting 4 months for it to cure to "finish" this tank setup, plus however many more months for it to start to look like something living.

I thought about buying some base rock and I might still, but I wouldn't mind adding some more diverse life from another batch of aquacultured rock.