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aquarium water testing .com results.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
i haven't tested the RO/DI yet. There is also some in the salt, but not at the levels we're seeing in the tank.
well after months of struggles with my tank I bit the bullet and had AWT test my water last week. I had hoped they would resolve the problems I am having with all my LPS and Exenia,, it seems within 3-4 months after putting them in my tank they just slowly wither away, torches, frogsawn, candies etc.Now it seems even my ricordia are shrinking. I tested my water params at home and always seemed to get normal readings, that is except for nitrates. My Red Sea test kit was telling me my Trates were off the chart (crimson red on the color chart) Now I thought that seemed odd seeing as how my tank is BB with a fuge, HUGE skimmer, and my tank has never once had any kind of algae issue.
so off the water sample goes to coloradoand this is what the results are

nitrate good ...................good................... 3.4 ??? ;D
phosphate.......................good................... 0.01
strotium........................good.................... 9.0

So after all that it still does'nt answer the question as to what the hell is happening to my LPS?
Furthermore its brings up a new question.... how can my calciumd and pottasium be so high when i don't use any additives (NONE) I top off with plain RO water and never throw any of that bottled or powdered stuff. ??? ???
could it possibly be a small leather coral I have in the tank having chemical war with the LPS's
sorry for those readings not being lined up don't know what happened they were when i typed them in? I guess I need to learn how to cut and paste from my e-mail! the problem is this ole painter aints to smarts when it comes to computers ;D

{Got 'em fixed for ya Stan!}
Chemical warfare and too high flow come to mind.

Maybe I can stop by after the holidays and see if I can see anything.

Just to be complete what is the temp, ph and SG?

Maybe they miss having a sandbed. ;D
temp 80
ph 8.0
alk 9.5
spg .025
could a finger leather the size of a tennis ball be causing that much trouble in over 200 gallons of water bill?
What is your PH, late in the day just before the lights go off? Can you bring the temp down a little. Everything else looks great.
paintman27 said:
temp 80
ph 8.0
alk 9.5
spg .025
could a finger leather the size of a tennis ball be causing that much trouble in over 200 gallons of water bill?

I wouldn't think that it would affect the whole tank thatt dramatically. Especially since you run a well maintained tank and I think you've had that leather for a while, correct?

Are you running carbon? Phosban? Did you change brands / lots of either one lately??
I have had this leather for about 2 years, I run carbon 24/7 but do not run phosban as I do not have a trace of algae or phosphates in my tank. If you look at my pic the leather is in the upper left hand corner of tank. the 2 kenya trees have since died along with 3 torch corals and 2 frogspawns.bill would you like to give this leather a new home for I am at my wits end here I am ready to just toss it!
paintman27 said:
I have had this leather for about 2 years, I run carbon 24/7 but do not run phosban as I do not have a trace of algae or phosphates in my tank. If you look at my pic the leather is in the upper left hand corner of tank. the 2 kenya trees have since died along with 3 torch corals and 2 frogspawns.bill would you like to give this leather a new home for I am at my wits end here I am ready to just toss it!

I can find a spot for it, but I can't believe that all of a sudden it's become a problem after 2 years.

Unfortunately my short Christmas break has been filled with wakes and funerals to attend. I should be able to stop by one night next week.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
How do you guys feel about your results? Will you use them again to retest or was this a one time thing for you? I wanted to get my water tested when my system was up and running and I think I'm ready.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Got my results this week on 2 separate tanks. First results are from my system.

Ammonia (NH3-4) ........................Good ......................................... 0.005
Nitrite (NO2)...........................Good ......................................... 0.004
Nitrate (NO3)...........................Good ..........................................0.5
Phosphate (PO4) ........................Good ..........................................0.06
Silica (SiO2-3) ........................Good ..........................................0.2
Potassium (K) ..........................Low............................................215
Calcium (Ca)............................Good ..........................................423
Boron (B) ..............................Low............................................0.6
Molybdenum (Mo).........................Good ..........................................0.1
Strontium (Sr) .........................Good ..........................................8.4
Magnesium (Mg) .........................Good ..........................................1188
Iodine (I¯).............................Low............................................0.02
Copper (Cu++) ..........................Good ..........................................0.00
Alkalinity (meq/L)......................Low............................................2.45

Alk, Potassium, Iodine, I can dose. What do we do about the boron? I noticed that most of the boron results were low that were posted here.

And these results were from my fathers tank which I am trying to rid of hair algae.
The problem tank...LOL

Ammonia (NH3-4) ........................Good ......................................... 0.002
Nitrite (NO2)...........................Good ......................................... 0.006
Nitrate (NO3)...........................Good ..........................................13.9
Phosphate (PO4) ........................High...........................................2.52
Silica (SiO2-3) ........................Good ..........................................0.4
Potassium (K) ..........................Low............................................223
Calcium (Ca)............................Good ..........................................412
Boron (B) ..............................Low............................................2.1
Molybdenum (Mo).........................Good ..........................................0.1
Strontium (Sr) .........................Good ..........................................7.6
Magnesium (Mg) .........................High...........................................1575
Iodine (I¯).............................Low............................................0.01
Copper (Cu++) ..........................Good ..........................................0.01
Alkalinity (meq/L)......................Good ..........................................2.70

Pop has a FOWLR and is pretty haphazard with his husbandry skills, doses nothing and feeds flake rather heavily so the phosphates was not a shocker to me at all, However, Mg @1575? Ca @412? Again Boron is low also. What should I do to help him?

All are interesting results. It would also be interesting to note what salts you are using with the results and compare it to the link Phyl pointed out at the top of this thread. I am using oceanic since day one, Not sure what my old man is using, I'll check tomorrow. Sorry for the long post, I just thought it was interesting.


Very little is known about boron in reef systems. It's an inorganic and some organisms might be using it as a catalytic element but not much is known about it. It does seem to possess some pH buffering capacity but aside from that I don't know what else. I think being on the low side is safer than trying to dose for it. The only soluble boron I can think of offhand would be Borax. It's about 22% Boron by weight in the form of Sodium Boride. However, I don't recommend this is the way to dose this element unless you want to do the experimenting.


NJRC Member
in the website, i saw there is a option for: [Discount Code]

is it possible that we NJRC to negotiate with them to get a better NJRC memeber pricing??
