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BC29 in the works...

I've been away for far too long.

I've been researching for a good 3 months now on what I want to set up to replace my 7g Mini Bow since the power head failed and killed my tank. This is going to be the journal for my tanks progression, with many pic updates as things unfold. I will be picking up the tank later this week, along with hopefully all of my equipment. Except for the skimmer. I'm going to add that in a few months when the tank is established and I start stocking. For now the first post is an list of what the end result will be. Any suggestions or faults someone sees with the list please post any and all.

BioCube 29 Mixed Reef

Lighting will be either the Nano-Customs 1.70 MH upgrade or I'll DIY something similar.

37#s Rock(Give or take)
1.25 inch sandbed. (Always was the most pleasing to the eye for me)

-Rio 6HF for stock pump replacement to Loclines
-False bottom removed in chamber 1
-BioBalls removed
-Finnex Digital 150 Titanium Heater (Chamber 1)
-Stock pump moved to chamber 1 to either a Hydor or Pvc behind the rock
-CPR medium Aquafuge 2
-CPR SR3 protein skimmer (Chamber 2)
-Possibly an auto top off but I'm still not sure about that. I don't mind topping off, gives me more time to examine equipment.

-Orchid Dottyback
(Pseudochromis Fridmani)
-Greenbanded Goby Threesome
(Elacatinus multifasciatum)
-Possible Crocea

Clean Up Crew
This will be an ALL SNAIL crew. I hate hermits. It will consist of Nerite, Stocky Cerith, Trochus, a few Nassarius and one or two Bumblebees.

Thanks for looking!

Personally....having a 29 BC with a 150w HQI Supod on top (open tops) I can tell you that I have a 100W Stealth heater that fits in chamber 3 and seems to do the trick. I personally, was afraid to go with a 150 in case it ever went nuts. Not that a 100 won't fry the tank, but it will take longer and I am usually not far from here...Mine's in the basement, so during the summer I'm not concerned with the ambient temperature getting too high.

With the open top, and a 100w, the tank stays about 79-80 pretty constantly. Do you think that 150 might be overkill if you go with a MH closed top (not sure if you'd going with 70/150)? I would think that would be a ticket for a chiller.

Open top does create the evap issues, but if you're not opposed to ATO, that personally would be the way I'd go. I got a 150 HQI sunpod from a member for $130. Those 1.70's are a bit pricey for me ;)

I've got the the 2nd chamber mod for the Refugium? Mine does very well. I don't have a skimmer. I do about 4-5 gallons weekly using Reef Crystals and things are running reasonably smooth...I'd be interested in seeing some pics and seeing how do the CPR. Maybe I'll switch over so I can get the best of both worlds ;) I've thought about just reversing it and doing a smaller HOB skimmer or something...

Seems like you have a good starting point there!! Don't forget the mod to cut the wall from chamber 1/2 for more flow. Helped a bunch. I have 2 BC29's with it cut...
Yeah the 150 I just copied and pasted from the site I was looking at at the moment. I'll probably go with a 100w heater, especially with the MH. I was looking at the 70w. I've really grown to like the all in one tanks, especially with the hood on. I'm trying to get the best of both worlds without going open top. I've spoken to a few people on various boards and with a few fan additions and some vents drilled I should be fine for a stable 81-82 no chiller.

I've only seen one tank with the Aquafuge. It fits perfectly on the bank, pump in chamber 1 return to chamber 3. It look pretty nice back there I'll try to find a pic for you.

I noticed your post right when I went to check mine. I'll check out your tank for the Sunpod. The only thing I wasn't a fan of with the Sunpod was no actinics. I really like 10k w/ actinic supplemented rather than 14k no actinics. Auto top off I'll most likely end up going with anyway so that wouldn't be an issue with an open top. The only thing holding me back from getting the tank tonight is that I'm not sure what to do about my lighting. I still haven't come to a decision that I can stick with. I originally wanted to go with the 1.70, then the Sunpod, back to the 1.70 and so on. This has gone on for weeks...
Well, try this...

Draw a big letter "t" on a piece of paper...

Left side Upgrade - Right side Sunpod.

List all of the features and benefits of each, then the cons of each...

Once you have it on paper maybe it will help. I was like you. I loved the slim design of the hood (now on my wife's BC) but in the end, I did the above trick and it was visibly apparent...

Oh, and btw. You can put in a 10k bulb and get inexpensive actinics to go just behind the sunpod. I've seen some people set up 2 sunpods, one MH, one with just PC actinics. Or even coralife type fixtures that fit. I've thought about it, but everything seems to be doing so well with the 14k I don't want to stress anything out.

What type of corals are you going to put in there? I dont remember seeing any listed. Also, I suggest, if you have the room, you fill up one of the chambers with some live rock rubble in a media bag. You might be able to squeeze your heater in your skimmer too ;) I'm not sure, I'm not too familiar with that heater
EliteTwit said:
Clean Up Crew
This will be an ALL SNAIL crew. I hate hermits. It will consist of Nerite, Stocky Cerith, Trochus, a few Nassarius and one or two Bumblebees.

(clapping hands) - yay - I'm glad to see another snail supporter! :) When I get my tank set up - I'm going with all snails as well. Just a note - bumblebees are actually to my knowledge whelks - and are not snails at all (though they are labeled by retailers as snails). Whelks generally are not really needed in any tank...you could confirm this with Dr. Shimek over at the marinedepot forum.
Yeah there's been reports that they eat polyp/zoos. I had them in my 7g and never saw any of that since my zoos were always thriving. They eat pods and detritus to my knowledge. Never heard about them being whelks I will go check that out. I just always put one or two in for that occasional look at the shell. They are always the "maybe" additions if I see them on sale at an LFS. People always charge too much for them anyway.

I love hearing other people are all for snails as well. My friend swears by hermits but wonders why everytime he gets snails after 2 weeks he doesn't see them anymore. :eek:
As of yesterday I put together the stand, drilled for my bulkhead, removed the floor in Chamber 1 and widened Chamber 1 to 2. Took pics of everything. Picking up some water and a rock or two Danny(roadking05 Great guy!)tonight. I've got 23 pounds of Marco Rock sitting in the box near the stand waiting to go in as well. Then last but not least my last bag of South Down sand! Can't find that anymore! Pics will be up tonight.

On a side note for anyone wondering. While picking up the tank at Aquatic Obsessions I saw Brian. He is no longer known as ReefDrumz, it's just Brian. If you don't know, now you know.
2 Month FTS:

Rainbow Acan:


Stardust Micros:


Purple/Green Micros:

Shrooms with Xenia:

Right Side shot(you see this when you walk down my steps to my basement):
Let's do it then. I've still got about 15-20 pounds of dry marco nano rock if you want to throw it in the sump and let it start cycling. I'll bring it over next time if you want.
I'm gonna do it anyway... just set it up down there. SHHH, tell her I'm grabbing some rocks from the sump, I just have a big box to bring them home in.
Here's some new pics...

Cleaner Shrimp With Blue Chalice

Ric Garden Top Down

Ric Garden Top Down Actinics

Front Center

Front Center Actinics

My Ric garden is pretty much complete, of course with a few spots for something that catches my eye.

If my Green Banded Gobies come in on Tuesday they will be the last additions plus all the things I'm getting at the June 8th meet for at least two months till I decide where to go with the lighting and start adding some sps so it's a true mixed reef.



Ultimate Frags Rainbow Brite Micro(I have the cut side facing me so I can watch the growth)

Tiger Stripe Chalice:

Chronic Chalice:

Unknown Pink and Red micros from JF2381(best pic I could get due to placement):

Acans Actinics(I love PnoyReefer):

Acans Top down:

Top Down Chalices(for now till i decide where they will stay):
There's still tons of room on the rocks for some SPS :eek:

Mint Center Micros:

Lavender Micros:

Shroom Relocation:

Micro Relocation(So there's more to view from the right side):

These will be the last additions till i get my lighting and the next addition will be my yellow assessor!

The two new micros came from Aquatic Obsessions.