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Bigtime overdose of ALK

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My dosing pump stayed on and dosed enough alk to change my alk level from 7.5 to 12! I came home to a cloudy mess. I estimate in about 15 hours it changed this much. I've done a 20 gallon water change on it, i'm just waiting on water from the ro for more. ph is around 8.2 after adding about a 1/2 cup of vinegar. What else can I do and will a jump like this kill considering its still within parameters? Zoas and hammers are still open, I cannot see anything else.
Slow down...don't change out too much water....going from 7.5 to 12 is a shock enough. Going back from 12 to 7.5 just as quickly will be more detrimental IMO. I'd leave it be and let the Alk drop slowly. If your livestock isn't dead already, you have a great chance its going to survive. You aren't the first person this has happened to ;D
Thank you for the quick reply. The cloud seems to be settling now. and I can see the bits of coral look good. Not one is even closed up. Fish seem fine. Oh man I was scared for a bit there. A stupid mistake I plugged the doser into the wrong outlet on my aquacontroller when I was moving things around.STUPID
Just for that reason...I prefer to manually dose my tank. Don't want to take a chance on something like that happening due to faulty equipment. I'm sure everything will be fine. Just let it come down slowly.
9supratt4 said:
Just for that reason...I prefer to manually dose my tank. Don't want to take a chance on something like that happening due to faulty equipment. I'm sure everything will be fine. Just let it come down slowly.

Exactly how i feel
killab443 said:
What sucks is that I have a shipment of coral due here tomorrow. What do u suggest?

Set up a temp tank if you can wit the new salt water you just made. Buckets anything. Or just check your params when you get the coral, might be ok to acclimate them to it. They're coming from totally different water anyway you have to acclimate them to something regardless. So a little high alk wont be that bad to them
Tank looks a lot better today. Coral hasnt arrived yet but when it does I will check parameters before adding. Thanks a lot
happened to me, but all my levels are all out of wack right now, I will be doing a new slow water change of about 40-50 gallons.
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