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Birdsnest Question

I have two birdsnest colonies. One pink tip and one blue tip. Over the weekend, it appears both are shedding an outer layer. I havent really seen polyp extension either. But both still have color, albeit a little white. My other acros and monti's appear fine as well as everything else in the tank. There is plenty of space between them and any other coral. All lights are only about 3 months old MH's and PC's.

120 gal
Temp 80-81
No measurable po4 or no3.
All tests done with multiple vendors kits.

I have a closed loop running on a dart, I adjusted some more flow across both colonies. Changed the matrix carbon and gfo. Nothing seems to be helping. Any ideas?
Where do you have them placed? I've always found that they do better mid tank level with HQI rather than closer to the top.
gfo was changed after I noticed the shedding.

SPS,LPS and softies all well spaced carbon gets replaced every week. GFO every 2-3 weeks. Weekly 20% water changes, well maybe every 2 weeks. ;) I'll try lowering them down a bit.
Found the culprits lastnite. Found about a dozen small nudibranchs on them. So, I fw dipped both and put them in QT. Something I put in the tank must of had eggs on them. Now for the waiting game........
I will if I find anymore. Recon was at 0100. Full assault of frontline was at about 0200 hours. Press wasnt permitted. ;D
stcreef said:
I will if I find anymore. Recon was at 0100. Full assault of frontline was at about 0200 hours. Press wasnt permitted. ;D

Any waterboarding to get "answers" about where the others are!? :eek:
Apparently there are, so time for another recon mission. Went away on vacation for ten days. When I returned the two birdsnests were beyond saving as well as a Green Slimer and a blue tip monti. I have a orange cap monti that is just showing some white spots. So tonite I may dip it and see what falls off. Also my tiny wrasse is fatter than ever. He actually has a pot belly. And is hanging out around the orange cap.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Montis and Slimer will have different enemies. The montis would be monti eating nudis and the slimer would most likely be either red bugs or acro eating flatworms. (AEFW). Hopefully you don't have a collection of pests working for the enemy!
Well when I pulled out the slimer etal I found the nudi's on all of them. I have inspected pretty closely. The only thing I can find are these nudi's. No redbugs or flatworms. So out it all comes and fallow the tank. I'll see what I can save and put it all in my qt.

Note: the slimer was covered with them.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
What do the things you found on the slimer look like? Do you have a photo of them (or the photo you used to identify them)? Sorry to hear about the bugs. Just another good reason to QT all corals. I can't stress this enough!
Everything was dipped and qt'd for 8+ weeks prior to being put in DT. The acros and monti's have been in DT for months. about 4 months. All were growing great too. For the life of me I cant figure out how they would have gotten in there.

The only thing I put in my tank that wasn't qt'd was a neon goby (salvaged him from a friend) and a single mushroom that wasn't attached to any rock and that got dipped as well.

They are identical to monti eating nudi's though. white about 1/4" long with frills.

Its all out of the tank now. Orange Cap is in QT. I'll fallow for 12 weeks then buy something cheap. QT it separately then see how it does in the DT.




Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Pics if you can get them would be invaluable to the community. Sorry you're suffering. With such a great QT process I wouldn't expect this sort of result... unless you missed them the first pass (like you wouldn't miss them again because now you know what you're looking for, hence the value to the photos).
I am sure there are a few hiding on the Orange Cap. I'll wait a few days, dip and shake them off. I'll get pics then. They are unmistakable once they are off. But nearly impossible to see on the corals without getting up close and personal.