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Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Vaceek said:
what is the ideal watts/gallon to keep a BT?

I thin wpg is highly overrated these days as T5 and LED technology rivals MH with less power consumption. MH is good as are T5s. PCs alone not good enough. What lighting do you have? What size system?
Phyl gave you a great answer. Stable enviromnent is as important as anything I think. My RBTA under 8X54W T5 moved to bottom of the tank. I am sure it has grown since I got it.
Well I have a rose in my sons 12 gallon aqua pod....Its those small little power compact bulbs. Been in there for 3 months now and is growing like a weed......
Mine stays about 9" from my 250 10K and loves it there in the high flow. But a stable tank is just as important as the lighting for it
I have three that stay together about 12" from the top of the tank. 400w MH above them. BTA's like to be fed. I believe this is also a key to success as much as the lighting. I have one in another tank that's growing just as well about 15" from 175w MH.