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Captive Bred Fish Options?

Other than clowns and cardinal fish what are the options for captive bred fish?


We're not baking bread here!
For captive-bred fish you're pretty much limited to the options listed at Liveaquaria. Dwarf angels are just starting to be captive bred, but are not widely available yet.

Tangs, butterflyfish, triggers, etc. have not been successfully done yet. Tank-raised or captive-raised fish are actually taken from the wild when they are tiny juveniles.
Thanks all. It looks like Island Aquatics has good options.
Am I the only one that feels guilty about owning creatures that are stolen from the ocean and put in a glass box?
Most of my fish I get as juvies so they never know what they are missing! I think about it as: the tank at the fish store is much smaller so when I bring them home they are going to be so happy.