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CHEAP Firebelly Toads and Guppies (Entire Setup)

Unfortunately I have to part with my Firebelly Toad setup. I'll be re-arranging the room and will need the extra space.

You'll get everything you see, plus fish food and water conditioner. The setup consists of a 29 gallon aquarium, mesh top, light, thermometer(s), heater, filter, replacement filter cartridges, background, all decoration, 5 Bombina Orientalis (firebelly toads), and numerous, never-ending reproducing guppies. I'll also throw in my Kritter Keeper where I keep the crickets in for the toads.


Thanks so much for looking. :)






Staff member
NJRC Member
Nice setup and price. I'd take it but my collection has grown again. Get rid of 1 and get 2 more. I may know someone that will take it and will get back to you.