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Chiller inline with canister ??

I just got a good deal on a chiller, and wanted to know if running it inline with a canister filter (no media in it)would work good. I don't want to add another pump to the tank (no sump) so I figured this should work thru my Magnum 350
Gecko said:
I would be concerned about loosing flow in the tank.

The canister isn't being used in the tank at all right now. All my flow is from koralias . I'd merely be adding the canister to create a flow for the chilled water.
I think you wanna check what the headloss is with the chiller. Check the documentation for what the min./max. flow is.

I found that I needed to overrate the pump for the amount of flow the chiller required, back when I had the chiller on a closed loop. I was using the Eheim 1250, with 317 gph, and that was JUST enough flow for my tiny 1/15 hp chiller. Depending on the size of your chiller, 350 gph minus the headloss may be enough. My guess is that the pump on the Magnum doesn't deal well with added headloss, though.

What size/brand chiller do you have?
It's a current 1/10. Lets say i use a ten gal tank as a sump to place a MJ600 in, I don't think there should be an overflow risk if the pump shuts off right ?
diverrk said:
It's a current 1/10. Lets say i use a ten gal tank as a sump to place a MJ600 in, I don't think there should be an overflow risk if the pump shuts off right ?

That depends upon how your 10 g sump is plumed. Is you DT RR? As mentioned above, start with finding out how much flow the chiller requires, they are rated for min/max flow. Then look at the pump options you can work with. The Magnum may work for this small of a chiller IDK.
The manufacturer lists the chiller should have 420gph minimum flow through. With headloss you will likely be half of that if not less. Chillers can add significant head loss to a system. If you test it don't let the evaporator housing freeze.
The chiller requires 200-600 gph, the canister is 350. I dont' have a RR tank :'(.
Which would be less risky for possible over flow ? I assume the canister.

A picture is worth ..... Sorry used trialware :D


350 gph

The problem is that the canister relies on gravity to push 350gph. The siphoning weight of the water coming down helps the water in the canister to go back up. The more I think about it, you might not get any flow through, 2 to 4 feet of headloss from the chiller may be too much for it to handle. Nix the tank and just use a quiet one or mag. Canister or quiet one, either way its just a closed loop.