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Clownfish & GBTA?

anyone have any success with clowns hosting a GBTA? if so, what type of clown(s)? my true perc's have paid no my to the GBTA's in my tank. they perfer to host some green hairy mushrooms (which do not appear to enjoy the company). they also spend a lot of time in the green star polyp clusters as well. thinking of maybe adding a skunk clown if there is a decent chance it would host the GTBA's.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
I have a pair of a. percula picasso clownfish that hosted my GBTA within a week of putting it in the tank. They were hosting the frogspawn that was in there already so we took out the frogspawn and they went right to the GBTA.
Its been several months, they haven't even gone near the GBTA. The nem has split three times already. What do you mean coaxing?
I fed my fish with pellets that sank pretty quickly. By consistently dropping the pellets over the anemones the fish will hang out at that end of the tank after a while. Then I would use my open hand to gently steer them towards the anemone. At that point instinct took over and they dove into the anemone for protection from my hand. It took a few weeks but once they found it they never left.
FWIW I have True Percs that are currently hosting a GBTA. Never a guarantee on what they will host though.
My false perc never tried to host anything except the powerhead I posted before. When I added the second one she was hosting within a couple days, the original one tries to get close but is not allowed most of the time.

One thing I found strange and maybe this wouldn't be a bad place to ask I see mine going head first into the RBTA with only her butt sticking out is that normal?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
We had read somewhere to tape pictures of clowns hosting an anemone to the side of the tank. We taped one of those electronic picture frames to the side of the tank that rotated different pictures of clowns and anemones. It sounds crazy, but now both our clowns are living in a RBTA.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Sometimes our picassos are so buried in the GBTA you can barely see them. Somtimes it is head first sometimes butt first, so nothing to worry about.
Skunk Clowns the pinks we have in the 55 taught the True Percs to go into the sabae witch conveniently died not long after. now hopefully the orange will teach the False Percs in the big tank if they find the nem themselves :p
I must have gotten lucky. Within 4 mins of the GBTA being in the tank, my Gold Banded Maroon Clown dove right in and just about hasnt left it since.
I printed a picture of a clownfish hosting an anemone and taped it to my tank. My maroon clownfish got a little spooked at first but after about a week she figured it out and is happily hosting my RBTA.
glad that worked for you.. how did you get the picture to stick to the tank and be visible? when i did this you could only see parts of the picture

and after shooing my skunk from the torch before they got acquainted it is now hovering above the GBTA in the big tank :) YAY!
hmm i am going away for a week, maybe i will tape a pic to the tank while i am gone and when i get back they will be hosting the gbta


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Here's a pic for you...granted it's in a RBTA:

In my old setup I added a green bubble for my maroon clown....she was a big nasty female (approx 5 inches) that would host in anything.
She gave it a bit too much love and I had to take it away before she killed it.
Was a sweet looking anemone too. I dont have a pic of them together on my laptop but here is the bubble.

Before that I had a sebae anemone that hosted both a false perc and a blk saddle at the same time. Worst anemone I ever tried to keep....didnt know they dyed them (was pink) and it didnt do well health wise because of it.

Currently I have a pair of black saddles that host in a carpet. My favorite thing in the tank. Bought them off a fellow reefer already hosting....the female has grown huge in the last few months.


Seems to be hit or miss....some species seem to take to anemones faster than others.
Maroons and saddles for me have only taken a few days after intro of the anemone to host...True/False percs just seem to take longer....my current false percs host in a bed of anthelia.