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Coral Banded Shrimp compatible with other shrimp?

Just curious...I have a coral banded shrimp and was considering adding other shrimp to my tank. Possibly some peppermint shrimp or pistol shrimp. Can anyone advise if there will be compatibility problems? Thanks.
r2reyzer said:
Just curious...I have a coral banded shrimp and was considering adding other shrimp to my tank. Possibly some peppermint shrimp or pistol shrimp. Can anyone advise if there will be compatibility problems? Thanks.
I have 2 coralbanded and 4 pepermints on a 55 with no issues


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
How big is your tank? I have seen and heard of tanks where a coral banded was an upstanding citizen. In our 20g he molted and ate every shrimp smaller than him. We also watched him catch and kill a neon cleaner goby that landed in front of him. We also spot fed him daily to make sure he was eating and that still did not help. As someone else said, they have those claws for a reason. The red and white banded ones can get big pretty quickly. We bought ours small at about 1/2 inch and within a few months he was 3-4 inches.

I was also reading on another board how the ones with a gold body do not get quite as large as the pure white and red ones.
i once put 4 rather small peppermint shrimp in my tank only to have my "peaceful" striped cleaner shrimp eat him right in front of my eyes.
My tank is a 125 gallon with about 200 lbs of live rock...plenty of places to hide. Also, it sounds like a couple of you have two c/b shrimp. I didn't think you could put two together unless they were mated pairs. I guess I'm wrong.

Anyway, sounds like many of you have had success with c/b shrimp and other shrimp. I think I'm going to give it a try. Thanks for all the feedback.
I have one coral banded and two peppermint shrimp living in the same tank. There are also many large red legged hermit crabs with them.