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Coral wars

Paul B

NJRC Member
For anyone who does not believe that corals have wars, I caught two of mine fighting. My hermit crab turned this small SPS coral towards this LPS and this is what happened. Both corals lost significant tissue.
This happens all the time and you need a lot of distance between unrelated species.

If anyone believes corals do not have wars....well they must have a limited breadth of experience with corals.

I have had multiple wars ensue due to turbo snails knocking corals over.

Most are glued down now.
It is both amazing to see and extremely aggravating as well. I put so many frags in my tank when I started and now that they have all grown they all compete for territory. I am constantly moving or clipping corals to keep them from killing each other. as like many other reefers, 95%of mine are glued down to my rockwork to prevent them from being knocked over.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I actually had a torch spawn (no idea where it came from) that is starting to devastate the edge of my lavendar hyndophora colony! So much for hydno being so tough!