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Dan's 90G Reef

Ahh I had a problem like that in my tank in one dead spot. I ended up just picking up the whole rock, took a toothbrush and dipped it in hyodrogrn peroxide to get that green stuff but I thought it was just hair algae. The article is making me nervous. But it didnt come back sooo.. lol.
Ahh I had a problem like that in my tank in one dead spot. I ended up just picking up the whole rock, took a toothbrush and dipped it in hyodrogrn peroxide to get that green stuff but I thought it was just hair algae. The article is making me nervous. But it didnt come back sooo.. lol.

Yeah unfortunately all of my stuff is right next to corals that are glued down. I did a 5g WC today and siphoned a lot more and with cutting my lights back it shouldn't be long before they go away hopefully
Just had a new canopy made for my tank :) I love it so far. Just gotta paint it to match


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Very nice! I love the canopys that flip open like that, easy access.
Thanks guys! Yeah I wanted something like this bc my last canopy was a makeshift one which I had to take off the whole thing every time I wanted to get into the tank. Such a pain. Now its up there permanently :) and also, my lights don't need to hang from the ceiling anymore. They just relax inside :)
I picked up my luciana the other day it opened up fully we should all go to acc so I can grab some stuff and he can give it to you !
Did you make the canopy yourself? I will hopefully be making one for my tank in January or so and would love to hear about the design you chose.
Did you make the canopy yourself? I will hopefully be making one for my tank in January or so and would love to hear about the design you chose.

I did not, I had a member from DVRC(Delaware Valley Reef Club) make it for me, he chose the style and everything :) I can refer you to him if u want?