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Depot play sand? HELP!!!

Hey guys,
I've been doing a lot of reading about using depot tropical play sand in my reef tank. I've read that is has to be Oldcastle, Southdown, or Yardville. Right now the stores have a "White play sand" from oldcastle. I bought it just for hellsake thinking its not the right one cause it doesn't say tropical on it. It also has a silica dust warning on the bag which makes me really think its not the right one. Was gonna take it back but am bored tonight so, I opened it up and did a vinegar test on it. With a little vinegar it fizzled like an Alka-seltzer. Am sitting here watching it after 5 minutes and its still fizzing.. Please, help me... Is this the right sand? I would totally appreciate any thoughts at all on this.. Thanks, Evan
Don't use home depot sand. I learned it by using home depot on my 20 gallon testing tank. it WILL kill everything you have. I rather buy whatever amount of dead sand needed at Ocean Gallery II and seed it with 1 bag of live sand bag. this is a cheap way to go about. Make sure you clean the dead sand (take out fine dust and small dead roots etc.) before you add into your tank.
Drs Foster and Smith is probably the cheapest way to get name brand aquarium sand...they charge shipping by dollar value not weight. So you can get say three bags of dry sand one live and shipping is cheap enough to make it cheap.
I've got 10 bags of the silica free old castle sand available if you're interested. It was posted in the for sale forum, but nobody has replied. I bought it about 4 years ago and was saving this to set up a large tank at my home, but it never happened. e-mail me if you're interested.

I have seen playsand in freshwater stingray tanks, but I dont recommend you to use the playsand, use aragonite sand. it can get really pricey but look around there are people who are pratically giving away sand lol like me i have sand that used in my stingray tank not playsand that i can give you if you like its about 70 lbs once i learn how to upload pics i will upload them for you
Ok, I wimped out and spent the money on sand today. Just wanted to say thanks for your help. Even though I don't need it now, I'm gonna have a friend from the local high school analyze the depot sand in the chemistry lab. Will find out once and for all.