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Drilled tanks are quieter then HOB overflows right?

I just recently hooked up a sump to the tank that sits right next to my bed (I'm not sure if it was supposed to be the cure for my insomnia or just a reason to stay awake) so noise control was a big concern. I'm using a HOB overflow that I bought used and it came with a stockman pipe. I had noise from three areas at first- the waterfall sound in the overflow, a water rushing sound in the return pipe, and a rushing gurgling noise in the sump. I cured the waterfall sound in the overflow box by wedging a piece of filter foam between the stockman pipe and the compartment divider so the water doesn't free fall over the edge. The sounds in the sump I fixed by adding a T fitting to the end of the return tube to break the water velocity.

Everything was pretty good then except for the rushing sound through the return pipe as the water dropped from the overflow box. I suspected it was because I didn't have enough flow since the overflow could handle much more than my pump, so I added a ball valve in the return line. I know a lot of people are against this idea since it could cause a clog and thereby cause the tank to overfill, however I have my sump designed with a smallish pump compartment and the level in the tank is held right at the bottom of the black trim, so even with the return line shut off, the pump chamber runs dry before flooding the tank.

Anyway, it works for me. If I slightly close the valve on the return line it creates a slight back pressure in the line which completely eliminated the sounds in the return line. I mean, the tank is dead silent, more quiet than when I was using a HOB filter and fuge. The only noise now is the darn Remora skimmer. The air injector is so loud I have to turn it off at night.
I had a HOB overflow that was deafening on my 120. When I moved my tank to my new house I drilled the tank and installed a hybrid external overflow with Durso standpipes & blue flex pipe to the sump. The pipe in the sump dumps out onto a drip plate about 1/2" above the water line to get rid of air bubbles. The flex pipe is ribbed and a PIA to work with since it leaks in the rib area. You have to silicone the connections to the hose barbs to get them to stop. The tank is dead silent except for the ETSS 1000 skimmer next to it. Which happens to sound like a jet landing in the living room.