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false perc trying to pair up.

ok. i got two false percs to try to pair

one false perc was from LFS 3/4" (sunday)
second perc from a private seller 1.5"(tuesday)

they hit it off the bat?? i thought it would go through a love hate and DOMINATE phase? but now their inseparable

has anyone gone through this as well? i read through reef central that common occurrence would have the dominate female rough up the male to show who's boss. their together well. i'm just afraid their just hanging out and not going to actually mate. (which time can only tell)
Since you bought one that is that big it may be a female already even if not because of their looks the instinctivly pair up. Over the next couple weeks you'll start to see the larger one being aggresive to the smaller one and it should start quivering almost like a little siezure. That is showing its submission and will be/stay a male.

My true percs did this even though they were a lot closer in size but still a difference. I could watch them swim in the powerhead current and interact all day lol.
i am on the very same step and based on your post it looks like i am on the right track :) if I only knew how to introduce them to anemone....
alright that's cool. i'll check on that. haven't bought an anemone just yet. will get something they can host with soon enough.
Skip the anemone just light some candles ,add a little wine to the water and play some Luther Vandros ;D
False perc is the hardest to pair with an anem as a lot of time are CB and have never seen the ocean in their life. That said, the easiest way to get would be to force them in close quarters with the anem (ie in a breeder's net). Without that, you will have to rely on luck on having them "discover" the anemone. Remember most people attempt BTAs for this but their natural anemone is the carpet or magnificient.
I think i will skip the breaders net and will go with candels and Luther Vandros. i added rose bubble tip and would like to see some "love" :)
Calaxa i beg to differ. Recently it has been found that CB or WC has nothing to do with that. More times it has to do with perculas and ocellaris being paired with BTA's a scent they dont normally go with in the wild. Not many tanks have Magnificas or Carpets.

Anemones do help with mating purposes in a heavily populated tank. In a tank with only them you can get away with a plant pot.
rniedzia said:
i am on the very same step and based on your post it looks like i am on the right track :) if I only knew how to introduce them to anemone....

A trick that Rod Buehler (Rod's Reef) taught me that i have been using for years is to put the clowns in a salt bucket with the anemone for an hour or so.
I was under the impression that the True Percs were the hardest to host anything at all besides the corner of the tank? i don't actually see alot of people with a True pair either.

I tried the net thing and they slept in it all night but after words they stayed away.. now that we added the pink skunk and its in the GBTA the percs sleep in the sabae when the skunk doesnt lol
the bucket seems like a good idea. i was thinking about feeding them only where anemone is and see if they click with it at that time.


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I have a pair of black false percs that have bonded with my feather dusters in the tank. They move right past the frogspawn and each one has its own feather duster to stay in at night. I almost don't want to add an anem becuase I think they will ignore it.