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Fan Recommendations

Anyone know of a fan good for dropping some degrees on the tank. I got a regular one blowing into the sump cabinet but it ain't doing anything. It isnt blowing directly into the water, which could be why.
Ontop of a fan, is it more effective blowing in the sump or over the display?
I got space in the canopy to add one, so it doesn't need to clip onto the rim of the tank. LED/T5 hybrid.


Staff member
Blow over the display as it's more effective. The blowing across the top increases evaporation which helps lower the tank temp.
I had good success with a small desktop fan from Walmart brought my tank down by 6-8 degree and cost me 5 bucks. And clips on to my mounting arm firmly. You might want to try a fan that pulls air out of ur stand/sump then pushing air in, a box fan might do the trick. And if you might a glass top/lid open it to improve heat/gas exchange. Have a friend who’s tank gets super hot in the summer finally swapped out glass top for mesh and big change in trapped heat.