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Fighting Conch

So I'm a big fan of the fighting conch, and I've always wanted one, and I'm wondering if my 55 gallon tank is adequate? Should I wait a bit until my tanks a little more broken in?
I don't know how long your tank has been setup but so long as it has cycled and you have some algae and other waste they are very hardy. A month or two should be fine as tbone said.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
I have had a teenie (.5 inch) fighting conch in my 20g for about 3 months, and he is doing very well. I also have the 1" fighting conch my fiancee had in the 12g before we set up the 30g in the 30; we used a live sand bed and let the tank cycle for about a month to allow algae to build up for him to eat before we transfered him over, and he doing great in there. He was in the 12g (and its predicessor the 10g) for about 6 months before we moved him to the 30.
If you look carefully, I think the little guy is in one of the pictures on the "her 20g" nano thread.

Deleted member 10862

how hardy are these lil guys? are they just like snails and hermits?
I think in some way they are hardier...turbo end up dead all the time, they are tropical so I think they do well for that also.