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Flame Hawkfish

Anyone have experience with these fish, and inverts.

What inverts will they eat besides small shrimp? What is considered a small shrimp in Hawkfish terms.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Cute fish that can single handledly decimate a snail population. What a pain it was.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
They might also get an appetite for small gobies as well. We have a long nosed hawk right now that sometimes bothers our shrimp but the shrimp are all bigger than him. I hope he doesn't get too big.
I like my flame hawkfish, but I suspect he may have eaten my peppermint shrimp.

My hawkfish must be too lazy to jump....and frankly he doesn't seem like he could get up the speed.

Fish has tons of personality.
Mine was also a pest, would pick the food from corals while they were trying to eat,all around pest.