• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

For Will at AO...

Because I stopped in to AO today and he stated that he hasn't seen me post in a while. He was right. Here's some recent pics of my 70...






Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I took a stab at white balancing your picture (would be best to do this in camera, if possible). Here's the result:

how do you like the solaris lighting? I know you reported early on it was great - just wondering if you had pluses/minuses since you've had the fixture now for a while. Tank looks great!
I love your tank. In fact I am looking to copy your tank, a form of flattery, did you get everything at AO?
I love your tank. In fact I am looking to copy your tank, a form of flattery, did you get everything at AO?

Sorry all. I've been in Mass training for my job the past few weeks. I got some of my fish from Will at AO. Both of my Bartlett's and female Bellus Angel came from him. I'll get supplies and Rod's Food from him as well. I learned about AO 10 years after I got into the hobby. My last tank was set up around the time I heard of his store, and by that time I was just transferring corals from one tank to another.