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Frag tank water clarity


NJRC Member

I'm trying to figure out how to make my frag tank water more crystal clear and I believe it's my filtration method..

I use a filter media cup with 3 pieces of floss.. I feel like it's not enough.

My water parameters are all in range however some serious detritus


Staff member
Just some plain carbon. Chemi pure elite or blue will add in extra stuff like gfo and purigen which will complicate things.

Plain carbon like marineand brand will work. Just use a small amount in a mesh bag and place into a high flow area like an overflow box.

Screenshot_20191103-161838_Amazon Shopping.jpg


Staff member
If you frag tank is bare bottom, position your powerhead under the frag racks so that the detritus can stay suspended, and eventually go down to your overflow into your floss


NJRC Member
If you frag tank is bare bottom, position your powerhead under the frag racks so that the detritus can stay suspended, and eventually go down to your overflow into your floss
My frag rack is ~2 inches above the bottom.. so I can't really position it under. I do have one pointed at the bottom though.

I ordered chemi pure blue... what type of complications are we talking about?


NJRC Member
Can you provide pictures of this setup?
ive been using chempures since i started thinking its the best stuff out there, honestly i got more clarity more stability with just regular carbon, my nitrates usually tend to be on the higher side 20-40 cause my fiance is a monster feeder but since ive done just plain carbon and floss ive got nothing but good results usually my PH was off, nitrates would either be 0 or 50+, and for some reason id get alot of algae growth.. now i get pretty much nothing not sure if its the carbon or the system just aging and stabilizing


NJRC Member
If you have cloudy water most likely you have an bacteria bloom. Cloudy is not the same as dirty water. You can have a lot of detritus but the water is still clear. To fix this problem, you can add a skimmer or add some live rock for the bacteria to colonize on. UV can be used short term as well.


NJRC Member
If you have cloudy water most likely you have an bacteria bloom. Cloudy is not the same as dirty water. You can have a lot of detritus but the water is still clear. To fix this problem, you can add a skimmer or add some live rock for the bacteria to colonize on. UV can be used short term as well.
I have loads of detritus and film algae on the glass... actually may just be more detritus. I fear adding a skimmer is way overkill as I only have one fish for now..Wot this wind up removing good nitrates for the coral etc?

I have like 200 gallons worth of marine pure spheres in my sump... plenty of room for bacteria to colonize.


NJRC Member
I have loads of detritus and film algae on the glass... actually may just be more detritus. I fear adding a skimmer is way overkill as I only have one fish for now..Wot this wind up removing good nitrates for the coral etc?

I have like 200 gallons worth of marine pure spheres in my sump... plenty of room for bacteria to colonize.

Do you have a picture? Tank is new right?


NJRC Member


NJRC Member
It’s not bad from the picture. I can see the frags lol. It will get better over time. I always run a skimmer it will remove bacteria and other organic compounds and it aerateS the water. If you want to clean the water even further run a uv. The cheap green killing machine works fine. Just run it a couple of days then you can take it offline.


NJRC Member
Egg crate is a giant pia to maintain. Replace with frag racks that you buy or make, you’ll be much better off...


NJRC Member
Also, the skimmer won’t remove nitrates, but it could help to. You can add a carbon source that drives bacteria growth. The bacteria will consume the nitrates, and the skimmer will remove the bacteria.


NJRC Member
Also, the skimmer won’t remove nitrates, but it could help to. You can add a carbon source that drives bacteria growth. The bacteria will consume the nitrates, and the skimmer will remove the bacteria.
I added chemi pure blue tonight - we'll see how the carbon helps out.

I don't even run a skimmer anymore on my 30 AIO as it was removing too many nitrates. It's now in the off position and my nitrates are at a much more acceptable level.

The egg crates are a pain.. I need to look into making a better solution just need some funds haha.

Here's a pic no lights.. it's clear but just hazy