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anyone here have in the past or currently keep frontosas (afrincan/tanganyika cichlids)?
- i am just getting started with a batch of unsexed fry but wondering what others are doing.
- i know they need lots of space and are kept in their own specie tank. i have learned that they don't like water movement (too much current) and are shy.

- what i'm mostly curious about is what do other hobbyists do for filtration for a frontosa tank? cannister? HOB? or something that we use for the reef overflow/fuge wet-dry.

what would be recommended givent they don't care for water movement and their particular need?

like james i spent most of my freshwater years with new world cichlids and tropicals, i always swore by the aquaclear 110.... easy to maintain... creates good surface agitation/oxygenation, convienient to add or change filter media, was always good and reliable and inexpensive... infact still have one on my 75g reef


Staff member
NJRC Member
If I remember correctly Frontosas get fairly large with much food consumption and waste. I would go with a canister like Fluval or Rena XP.
okay. looks like a varying number of approaches. cool. i'll have to continue my quest to see what others have experienced. thx alot for your input everyone...
Gary over at AO is really knowledgeable when it comes to freshwater/brakish species,try him for some info .