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GFO with NeoZeo and Zeovit

Zeovit recommends against using GFO, while Brightwell doesn't discourage it, and actually says you can run their PhosphatR product. Since these are essentially the same systems, anyone understand why they have different recommendations in regards to the use of GFO? (Other than marketing...)
I dont have too much advice to offer but here is what I did. I started using a GFO reactor about 6 months ago. Then I started using Brightwell's Microbacter7 and Reef Biofuel maybe 3 months ago. A month ago I stopped using my GFO reactor and everything still looks good. Some SPS seem to be coloring up but I dont know if its the fact that I stopped using the reactor or because they were browned out when I got them.
Boomer said:
I would take the advice of the Zeo people long before BW

Hey Boomer, in case you stop by this thread again ... in the reef chemistry forums its been stated that zeolites' ability to bind ammonia doesn't work in salt water (despite what both BA and Zeo products say). I was wondering if this is true for all types of zeolites, or if there are actually zeolite rocks out there somewhere that would work in salt water.