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Giant crab

I'd take these guys over a raccoon any day.... and a lot easier to catch and it probably tastes good with butter!

Pretty cool though. There are some pretty big crabs for sale in the asian stores around me. Not that large, but actually pretty close I believe - 1/2-3/4 of the size.
Nice photo! Birgus latro is very much like a big hermit crab, except no snail shell. They are land crabs, some people seem to have missed that, and the world's largest terrestrial arthropod!
Reproduction, larval and small stages are in the water.
Always want one for a pet, eventually found out it's not really practical (and I hear they're kinda smelly). Some folks in Japan have them, like all the cool stuff (ie Rhinoceros beetles)
In Guam and some other places, they are much sought after for dinner, and they have been virtually wiped out on some populated islands.
Darwin captured one and was amazed when it escaped from a tin box by bending the metal!
Seen in black and red forms. Also known as the Robber Crab.