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Going to a bigger tank. What would you do?

I currently have a 55 gallon reef with about 120 lbs. of LR in it. If I was to go up to a 90 gallon what should I do to support the floor? I live in a townhouse and the tank is currently in my livingroom supported by 4 floorjoists underneither it running perpendicular to the tank. If I go to a 90 it's going to be about 300 lbs. more after I add more LR. What should I do?


same situation here, I limited myself and went with a 75 gallon. First, I checked up in the attic (my condo is the top with attic access), and realized that the dining room wall had a firewall or block, which usually means a load supporting wall. That's where the tank went up against. Second, I noticed the joists went across where the tank would be, perfect. I then built a stand that had a flat base that extended 4" more than the perimiter of the tank to distribute the weight (more lbs per sq inch) and then hoped for the best.

Since then, I added a 30 gallon frag tank, a 20 gallon sump and a bar fridge to the left an right of it, which makes me think that I could have gotten a 125 gallon instead...

Remember, the 75 gallon, 90 gallon and 120 all most have the same footprint (48"), so the bigger you go, the more stress on that same spot on your floor. Try to distribute the weight, go with a 5 or 6 foot tank instead.
Think of it like this..

A baby grand piano weighs how much? And it sits on 3 tiny little legs...

*most* floors should support a 90, always put the tank perpendicular to the joists, and if possible on a load bearing wall..
Hey Bill, I am the people upstairs, AND downstairs :) LOL.. I put the 300 downstairs, that I wasn't putting upstairs without reinforcements and didnt feel like reinforcing the floor, so slab in the basement won over reinforcing the first floor :)