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Happy Birthday Pete!!! Pmac90!!!!

Just wait. the day is still young. Latter today you will be complaining that your knees hurt or your back or something like that! hahahaha j/k ;D
Sam, after years of Hockey, my knees and back already hurt. So, i'm in real trouble!!

Thanks Brian!
does that means my wheelchair needs brakes?!
Happy Birthday!!

If you think turning 30 hurts wait until you hit 40. At 30 when your knees and back hurts it goes away after a few days. At 40 the pain lingers on and on and on, lol :)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Happy Birthday, Pete. Don't let these guys scare ya. Being 30 ain't so bad. Sure you can see the hill off in the distance but you still have time to adjust your course before you get over it.

The 30's were a great decade for me. Unlike my 20's . . . from what people tell me I may have had a little too much fun back then . . . .
<insert musical notes first>
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to youuuuu.
Happy Biiiirthdayyyy, Happy Biiirthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy,
Happy Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiirthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy tooooooooooo youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
<end music notes>

....and many, many more ;D



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Happy Birthday Pete. 30 to 40 were my prime years. I'm turning 50 this year and I still have more energy than any 20 year old.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
mikem said:
Happy Birthday Pete. 30 to 40 were my prime years. I'm turning 50 this year and I still have more energy than any 20 year old.
Damn Mike, you need to hook me up with whatever it is your takin!