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Harry, the Hairy Hitch Snail

anyone have an i.d. for Harry?
he only seems to come out at night and appears to be an algae eater. he's about the size of a large nassarius.

just one. btw- those tree-like structures on it's back are fleshy. when you touch them, it feels it and retracts.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
That's cool looking. Sorry. No ID. Where do you think it came from?
could have been anywhere. i don't think it was from my original rock however. maybe from a tank breakdown i purchased recently. it could also have hitched on a piece of coral. ???
i have looked on all the sites i normally find this stuff on and cant find this guy.. however, i dont see a shell and have seen alot of nudis that resemble this guy
you guys are right. under further scrutiny (seeing it from the other side) it is a cowrie. it came out of spankey's tank. he had a few of them, and now i have a few of them. the "hairs" only come out at night.