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HD Acan Video

So I've been playing around with my iPhone4S after watching some videomaking tutorials. I figure I might want to start releasing some videos of my tank and maybe a few equipment reviews as I pick them up. (probably not lol) ne-way.. heres a video of my acan collection.

(I would love it if NJReef-Mod's took some screen caps and made them part of the picture slide show on the front page. Those pics haven't changed in like 10 years ^_^)


(In-case you need the link)

That is actually a Tiny Atlantic Blue Tang. its about 1.5" or less. Only a few things in that tank

6 Line Wrasse
Atlantic Blue Tang
Black and Gold Pseudochromis
1.5" Rabbit Fish
1 Purple Reef Lobster

When the tang and rabbit fish get older they will eventually make it to my larger frag tank for algae control. Till then they are awesome in the little tank. So much personality. imho the atlantic blue tang is in many ways superior to the standard yellow tang. It is GORGEOUS as a full grown adult and beautiful as a juvenile as well. Striking blue eyes and iridiecent Blue outlining the Dorsal and caudual fins. It also has 4 Colors

Brown w/White vertical Strips
Blue/Yellow w/Brown Horizontal Stripes
Yellow with White/brown stripes.