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Help me catch the sleeper goby

I have a six-dot sleeper goby in my who is terrorizing my firefish and seahorses. I have a truckload of live rock in my 35 gal. hex. So far I have tried making a bottle trap, but all I caught was a nassarius snail or two. I tried the to hook him yesterday, but he wouldn't go after the piece of shrimp on the hook and thawed mysis are too soft to stay on the hook. Does anyone have any ideas? I do not want to take out all of the rock. Please help!



NJRC Member
Hi Marcus,

Welcome to NJRC!

When did you put the sleeper goby in there? I used to have a damsel which was very notorious that he kept chasing every new fish added to the tank. He would chase a day or two and then he will give up. May be you may want to give sometime.

Thanks for the vid. I will try that. I have some old baby bottles at home that should work. I need to work out something for the holder (brace that they used).


The goby is getting worse as time goes on.

Try to catch your sleeper goby while he is "sleeping" ;D

I had a yellow clown goby that would hop from coral to coral and kept the polyps on all of the corals from extending. It took a few nights but I was able siphon him out with a hose while the lights were out.