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help: problem with alk.

I tested params 4 times. Feb 24.(ALK was 12) Feb27. (ALK was 12.8) Mar 3. (ALK was 13.4) and today Mar. 8 (ALK is 16) What do i have to do or add to get it back down to the 9 range? everything else seems ok.

ammonia 0
trate 0
trite 0
ph 8.4 test 8.3 probe
calcium 450
mag 1500


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Stop adding it and see if your alk goes down. As long as your levels are good you don't need to add Purple Up to your tank. The coralline will take off on it's own. If you want I can give you some more coralline scrapings to add to the tank when you come to get the light.
panmanmatt said:
Stop adding it and see if your alk goes down. As long as your levels are good you don't need to add Purple Up to your tank. The coralline will take off on it's own. If you want I can give you some more coralline scrapings to add to the tank when you come to get the light.

thanks matt, kim had a suprise birthday party for me lastnight so today is a kinda just a laying around in my undies day! lol, I will shower up and give you a call
Hirobo said:
I told you that you could have some coraline also

i will be right over mike! ;D

panmanmatt said:
Stop adding it and see if your alk goes down. As long as your levels are good you don't need to add Purple Up to your tank. The coralline will take off on it's own. If you want I can give you some more coralline scrapings to add to the tank when you come to get the light.

Yea like Matt said STOP putting purple up in the tank Let nature work it's magic it will come Plus you have to people rith in your backyard that will give you seeds ;)