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help trying to make sump?

ok so my first attempt of converting my old 55 gallon tank into a sump failed, and i had a feeling it would because it looked like the lexon plastic baffles that home depot has were way to thin, not even 1/8 inch i believe. so as soon as the first part of my sump got filled the baffle started to bow until one side the silicone just slid off. so i have to clean that up rip the baffles out and scrap the old silicon off, now my question is does anyone know where i can buy strong acrylic baffles from because the home depot in paramus and lodi only carry the really thin ones, i was thinking of just going to a glass shop with the tank and asking them to cut the baffles and maybe gluing them but they might be expensive. any idea's? im guessing all i did wrong was buy the baffles way to thin, i used clear siliconeII, is that ok? any idea's?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If you can't find thicker acrylic, you can glue two thin sheets together. That'll stiffen them up pretty well. I'm suprised you're depot doesn't carry the 1/4" stock, though. Most of them do.

As far as the silicone, I don't remember if it's I or II that you want. Just be sure it doesn't say anything about preventing mold or mildew. One of those two will make that claim. You want the other.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If you use acrylic (or other plastic like polycarbonate), I would say that you want at least ¼ inch for the reasons you have pointed out. If you go with glass, you could get away with 1/8 inch, especially in a 55 that is only 12 inches wide (I think). By the way, glass is probably the cheaper option and Home Depot or Lowe’s will custom cut that for you. Carefully measure what you need (slightly undersized) and have them cut it.

As far as silicone, you CAN NOT use GE’s Silicone II. It contains additives to keep molds from growing. I believe Silicone I comes as pure silicone with no additives.
I just did my 30gal sump. you can get glass custom cut from lowes and also selling aquarium silicon at glue section.
none of the home depot's by me custom cut glass, im gonna go the glass route, but i guess im gonna have to try lowes to see if they offer glass cutting.
your best off finding a glass shop
you can definatly get the thickness you want plus the measurments will be spot on as opposed to a big box where they will make it close
If you're near Hillsdale - the glass shop in Hillsdale will custom cut glass pretty reasonable. When I looked at it it was cheaper than going with acrylic!